
Conférence-Débat ” Architecture flottante de Le Corbusier ” -Un projet de sauvetage par la construction des ponts au delà des inondations de la Seine-

Début du siècle dernier, un bateau qui transportait du charbon entre Rouan et Paris a été transformé en bateau de hébergement pour les gens sans abris par un grand architecte mondialement connu, Le Corbusier. Un siècle plus tard ce bateau ayant été accosté au quai de la gare d’Austerlitz de Paris pendant des années, va être réhabilité par deux japonais, professeur Endo, et Monsieur Nishida. Ils vont offrir les deux ponts de passerelles afin de faire flotter ce bateau sur la Seine. Une histoire de saga incroyable à ne pas manquer.



Date mercredi 11 juillet 2018
Heure 18h30 (accueil : à partir de 18h00)
Lieu Maison Franco-Japonaise à Ebisu
Organisateur Paris Club (Groupe Economique Franco-Japonais)
Co-organisateur ADAN (Architectural Design Association of Nippon) , TMF, CCI France Japon, Comité de préparation de la Délégation japonaise de La Renaissance Française
Patronage Ambassade de France
Collaboration ASJ ALLOY d’autres à confirmer
Programme Exposition des photos sur le mur de la salle

Modérateur M. Sumihiko SETO, Paris club
  18h30 Mots d’ouverture
       M. Kosaku NISHIDA, Président d’ Alloy Corporation
       (Fabricant du matériel de construction en acier
       inoxydable qui projette d’offrir les 2 ponts de
       l’embarcadère pour Asile Flottant)

  18h40 Conférence donnée par 2 professionnel
      japonais qui

       M. Shuhei ENDO, architect, Ph.D
       Professeur del’ École supérieure d’ingénierie de
       l’Université de Kobe

  19h30 Débat Table Ronde autour de Professeur Endo
       M Manuel Tardits Professeur de Meiji University
       M Nishida PDG du ALLOY

  19h50 Questions & Réponses avec le public

  20h10 Résumé et conclusion

  20h30 Cocktail convivial & Networking

Langue de travail est en japonais.
Entrée 1000 yen pour membre et associé, 2000 yen pour non membre S’inscrire avec site de Paris Club avant le 10 juillet



THE HEART OF BUNRAKU in Tokyo -大阪の庶民が愛した“文楽”の魅力に迫る-



太夫、三味線、人形 の3要素で成り立つ“文楽”。
The puppet master, Kanya Yoshida, will guide us in appreciating the sound of the shamisen,
instruct us in how it takes three people to bring one puppet to life,
and enlighten us about the Joruri chanting.
Get a first look at this event scheduled for New York in the fall of 2018!

出 演 | Performer

Toyotake Nozomidayu, Tsuruzawa Seishiro, Yoshida Kanya,
Kiritake Montomi, Kiritake Kanjiro

日 時 | Date

Saturday June 30th, 2018 at 2:30PM

場 所 | Venue

日本財団ビル2 階 大会議室 東京都港区赤坂1−2−2
The Nippon Zaidan Building 1-2-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo

入場料 | Tickets

[ 一般(Adult)] 3,500円
[ Paris Club 会員] 3,000円
[ 学生(Student)] 2,000円
▶ Peatix( チケット販売サイト)
▶ 能ソサエティー ホームページよりお申し込み

後援:能ソサエティー後援会 協力:JSPS科研費 JP17K02401
Organized by Noh Society, Fondation franco-Japanaise Sasakawa, Groupe
Economique Franco-Japonais (Paris Club)
Co-Operation : JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17K02401

Invitation au 65ème Rendez-vous franco-japonais

Vous êtes bien convié à assister à la table ronde de Messieurs Hisanori ISOMURA, Masatoshi WATANABE, Hisao IKEGAMI, Gorota KUME, Sumihiko SETO, anciens présidents de Paris Club et Hideo MIYAHARA, président actuel.

Il y aura le débat titré “Le passé et l’avenir de Paris Club” en japonais.

Date Mercredi 25 avril 2018 à 18h40
Lieu A la grand salle de conférence de The Nippon Foundation
The Nippon Foundation est situé à 1-2-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
au 1er étage de The Nippon Foundation building
Les stations plus proches sont Toranomon et Tameike-Sanno de Tokyo Métro.
Organisé par le Paris Club
( Groupe Economique Franco-Japonais)
Collaboré avec la CCIFJ
( Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie Française du Japon)
Langue en japonais
Frais de participation Membre de CCIFJ et Paris Club : 3.000 yens (virement préalable), 4.000yens (paiement sur place)
Non membre : 4.000 yens (virement préalable), 5.000yens (paiement sur place)
Limite de nombre de participation  80 personnes



【Report】 The 3rd “ Salon de Paris Club ”

Mr Gondrand’ s presentation was a big success in transmitting attractiveness of France as a foreign direct investment destination. The presentation covered the following contents:

  1. Role and missions of Business France
  2. Overview of Foreign Investment in France
  3. Factors of Attractiveness
  4. The Perception of France
  5. The Path of Reforms in France
  6. Japanese Investments in France

Business France has 620 employees in France and 900 in global. They work on export from France, foreign direct investment (FDI) in France and promoting France’s investment attractiveness. Japan is the 11th biggest investor in France and the biggest among its Asian competitors. 84% of foreign decision-makers think that France’s industrial base represents an asset over other countries according to Kantor Public, a research institution. Since the Macron administration started, labour market reform has been progressing. Corporate tax will be reduced to 25% by 2022. As for the Franco-Japanese relationships, France is the first destination in the Euro Zone for Japanese investors: 490 investors, 74,000 employees. France is the third biggest investor country in Japan: around 420 subsidiaries, 70,000 employees. Videos on Japanese top management message included Canon, Fujitsu and Toyota Tsusho. The future prediction on FDI to France is therefore very positive.

《 Salon de Paris Club 》 Conference

Foreign Direct Investment in France and Japan’s Participation

The recent economic reforms adopted by the French government will strengthen France’s position as an attractive business destination. France is already one of the main host countries for foreign direct investment in the world. Japanese companies are among the most active in this field and remain the largest Asian investors in France. Following the publication of the latest annual report on foreign investment in France, Pascal Gondrand, head of Business France for Japan and North-East Asia, will present the latest trends in foreign investment in Francapane, key factors of attractiveness and positioning of Japanese companies. He will present some examples of recent investment projects and the testimonies of Japanese business leaders explaining why they chose France to develop their business in Europe.

Date Thursday, April 24, 2018 19:00-21:00
Schedule 19:00-20:00 Conference
20:00-21:00 Networking dinner
Venue Gun Ship – Hotel New Otani Garden court
4-1, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tel:03-3221-4314
Participation fee 6000 yen for members
7000 yen for non-members
(buffet and drinks included)
Deadline for registration cancellation Friday April 20, 2018

Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.

Speaker : Pascal Gondrand

Born in 1962 in South-Eastern France, Pascal Gondrand is graduated from University of Grenoble and ENA. Joined the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry in 1992 as the head of Audiovisual and Consumer Electronics in the Electronics & Information Technology Department. In 1996, served as Deputy Head of International Investment and SME’s International Development. In 1998 assigned in Taiwan until 2004. Stayed in France as Head of the Trade Promotion and Export Partners Division until 2006. In 2006 came back to China in Guangzhou and in 2008 he took office as the Chief Representative of Invest in France Agency in Greater China and Counselor for International Investment covering Main land China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In September 2015, appointed as Director of the Business France in Japan and Counselor for Trade and Investment at the French Embassy in Tokyo. He leads a team of over 40 French and Japanese Trade Officers and Managers, in charge of supporting the international development of French companies, especially SMEs, in the Japanese market, and investment projects by Japanese companies in France.

Paris Club