8e Salon de Paris Club « Communication and health crisis: a new deal »


The 8th Salon de Paris Club welcomes Frédéric JONCHET, Founder and CEO of EIKO, a design company in Paris. He will talk about how COVID-19 has changed the world and influenced the way we communicate with each other on the following two topics:

  • The B2B communication, facing the consumers insights and societal demands.
  • The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the brands/audiences’ experiences.

EIKO advocates digital, brand and identity. Creative ideas can spread quickly and make differences. These ideas deliver emotion, engagement and results through storytelling, strengthening the relationship between the brand and the recipient.

Date Thursday, December 10, 2020   18:30-19:30
Venue On-line via Zoom
Schedule 18 :30-19 :10  Conference
19 :10-19 :30  Q & A
Frédéric Jonchet is the General Manager of the Eiko Group. He has 25 years of experience in the communications and digital industry, building brands, B2C and B2B experiences.
Participation fee : Free of charge (registration is required)
Language English
Organizer Groupe Économique Franco-Japonais (Paris Club)
Co-organized CCIFJ
To participate please register on the site of Paris Club before December 9


Paris Club